Know how to vote – November 2021

Election Day in Greenville County’s municipalities and many special purpose districts is Tuesday, November 2, 2021. We encourage every eligible voter to vote – regardless of political affiliation or candidate […]

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A Call to Action on Voting Rights

By Mary Wright President, DWGC The right to vote is an American right. Kamala Harris recently stated, “When we cast a ballot, we not only decide our leaders. We determine […]

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Spotlight on elections at April breakfast

What’s on every Democrat’s mind right now? Voting rights protection and getting more candidate’s elected. Election Director Conway Belangia answered questions about legislation currently under consideration in the Legislature. And […]

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What’s in the For The People Act?

By Steve Evered The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed H.R 1, For the People Act of 2019. Here are the major provisions. Protecting and expanding voting rights and election […]

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