Candidate development coordinator Amanda McDougald Scott delivered these remarks at the GCDP September breakfast. By Amanda McDougald Scott Given the events this week, and the enormous responsibility we have from […]
Read this post in English Amigos Demócratas, Tenemos dos metas esenciales para los próximos cinco meses: 1) animar a los votantes para que vayan a las urnas para la elección […]
Read this post in Spanish Fellow Democrats, We’ve got two essential goals over the next five months: 1) to get voters to the polls for the November 5 municipal election […]
The state Senate's Medical Affairs subcommittee had hearings last week on the "fetal heartbeat bill." Your voice can still be heard if you send in testimony by Oct. 1.
There are a lot of better ways to spend the state’s $61 million lottery windfall. Lee Turner turner thinks schools and teachers. What do you think?
Keeping track of incoming presidential candidates is more cat-herding than exact science
Presidential candidates with offices in Greenville South Carolina is playing an important role in the campaign to be the Democratic Presidential candidate. Some candidates have already opened offices in Greenville […]