The SCDP’s campaign organization begins with the Precinct President. Being president means utilizing the tools the county and state parties provide to organize your precinct while educating voters. It involves a consistent commitment in and out of campaign season. The main duties include:
- Assisting in registering Democratic voters in your precinct
- Serving as the neighborhood (precinct) connection with the county and state parties
- Canvassing and campaigning in your precinct on behalf of all Democratic candidates
- Assisting with Get Out the Vote (GOTV) projects and in turning out the maximum number of Democratic voters
First Vice President
The Precinct First VP must be a different gender than the Precinct President. He/she assists the president in organizing the precinct and assumes the role of president when the president is unavailable.
Second Vice President
The Precinct Second VP must be a different race than the Precinct President, when possible. He/she assists the president in organizing the precinct.
Third Vice President
The Precinct Third VP must be between 18 and 36 years of age. He/she assists the president in organizing the precinct.
The Precinct Secretary keeps minutes of precinct meetings when needed and informs Democrats within the precinct of meetings and activities.
The Precinct Treasurer oversees the financial affairs of the precinct and keeps records on monies garnered from any fundraising activities.
Executive Committee Member
The Precinct Executive Committee Member is the liaison between his/her precinct and the county party. He/she represents the precinct on the County Executive Committee which meets to oversee the direction and execution of the policy of the county party.
Alternate Executive Committee Member
Each precinct elects an Alternate Executive Committee Member to represent the precinct on the County Executive Committee when the Executive Committee Member cannot attend a meeting.