Spotlight on elections at April breakfast

What’s on every Democrat’s mind right now? Voting rights protection and getting more candidate’s elected. Election Director Conway Belangia answered questions about legislation currently under consideration in the Legislature. And […]

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The security of your absentee ballot

By Laura Haight We have all heard it. The constant railing against mail-in voting, the fear-mongering about rigged elections, massive fraud, and, of course, the efforts by the administration to […]

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GCDP May Breakfast

Voter protection was on the table at the May breakfast where Shaundra Young Scott, the SCDP’s voter protection director, was the guest speaker at the May breakfast. Voter protection, mail-in […]

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The Advocacy Challenge

Call your reps to demand mail-in voting in November So many of us want to make a difference. We have things to say. Issues to stand up for. Wrongs to […]

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