A Dangerous Game

By Billy Webster The South Carolina Republican Delegation has embarrassed itself mightily in voting for Jim Jordan to be Speaker of the House. It was a pitiful show of cowardice, something we […]

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Trump 2.0: Bad for the Economy

By Billy Webster Many of my Republican friends justify their continued support of a former President — indicted 91 times and found to have perpetrated a massive fraud in his […]

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And this guy went to law school?

By Billy Webster In defending Donald Trump in his ongoing string of indictments, William Timmons serves up a Tweet (now called an ‘X’ post) worthy of My Pillow Guy. Devoid […]

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2nd Quarter Donors

Thank you to all our donors who supported the Party and the Core Messaging Campaign this quarter. This list is donors from April 1-July 18. Recurring Donors Judith Bainbridge, Phil […]

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