Sharon Garrett candidate statement

   My name is Sharon Garrett and I am running for the seat of 2nd Vice-President of the Greenville County Democratic Party.  I am a 1993 graduate of the College of Charleston with a Bachelor of Arts in English.  I am currently a long-term substitute with Greenville County Schools.  I am a resident of Greenville County and I live in District 25.  I am running for the seat of 2nd Vice-President because I notice as an educator the disparities with in the Educational System here in Greenville.  Some schools have many resources and lots of funding while other schools do not have these kinds of resources.  I also notice that if parents and other family are not very involved with children from the beginning of their educational process from kindergarten until they graduate the child(ren) my not do very well in school.  The old saying is true “It takes a village to raise a child.”  Everyone should be looking out for the best interest of the children and trying to make sure that they are learning because one day they will be the leaders of tomorrow.  They need support, resources, technology, training, education, and love to succeed in today’s society.  I also want to make sure that all the local, state, and federal money that is allocated for schools and students is actually used for that purpose.  I am also a poll worker in and I see how low voter turn-out can be in certain districts.  I want to make sure that the citizens of my precinit are aware of any major changes within their precinit and are knowledgable about the new laws and how these new changes could effect them.  I want to ensure that all the districts have equality in regards to funding, housing, health care, transportation, food and education.  I want to look out for the little guy and make sure that his basic human needs are met.  This is why I am running for the seat of 2nd Vice-President of the Greenville County Democratic Party.

Be the change you want to see: Help the party with a much-needed donation or volunteer to help!