July Meeting: Avenues of advocacy; SCDP Chair special guest

With Pride Month just recently ended, it’s a good time to take stock of where we are as both a state and a county. To that end, we’ve reached out to Liz Serricchio, a mental health counselor, founder of Amaryllis Counseling, and co-founder of 864Pride and the Queer Wellness Center. As our featured speaker at the meeting on July 10, Liz will run down what’s happened in the statehouse this year as well as the actions of the Library Board to remove/ban books, to block Pride messages, and ban the popular Drag Queen Story Hours.

As part of our continuing efforts to have advocacy and activism associated with our programs, Liz will focus in on what we can do now and what to watch for in the coming weeks, months, and the second part of the Legislative session.

That would be a great program all by itself, but there’s more.

Christale Spain, chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party, will be our special guest. Christale will be available to meet and talk with members, but she’ll also be making remarks as well. And, I think, will take a few questions.

In addition, we will be selling merch and unveiling our new online store.

It is going to be a great meeting and we look forward to seeing you all there. Sign up today and remember luncheon reservations close at noon on July 5. I apologize for getting this out later than usual.

Meeting details
July 10 @ noon (or virtually on Zoom)
The Kroc Center
424 Westfield Ave.

Be the change you want to see: Help the party with a much-needed donation or volunteer to help!