You are the focus of our January meeting

By Laura Haight
DWGC President

Our new fiscal year begins in February, which makes the January 8 meeting the last of 2023 and not, as might seem more logical, the first of 2024. 

In our bylaws, the January meeting is described as the “annual meeting” with reports from the board and committee chairs. So the program will include comprehensive reports to the membership on activities of the past year.

In addition to my overview, Dr. Valerie Brooks Madden will provide a detailed financial report. Reports from membership, advocacy/community activism, outreach, fundraising and meetings, legislative, and communications will also be discussed.

Your ideas are in the spotlight

The most important part of the meeting is yours: An open mic discussion led by you — our members and network — about what you like and don’t like, what you think we should be doing in 2024, focuses on activism and advocacy, and anything else that interests you.

So please take some time to think about Dem Women and come prepared with questions, criticisms, kudos, and ideas! 

The meeting will be a hybrid and remote attendees will be able to ask questions as well.

Lunch plans from Linda Derector:  We’ll be having Pan Seared Salmon with a lemon dill cream sauce, mashed potatoes, and vegetables.  New York style cheesecake for dessert!

Be the change you want to see: Help the party with a much-needed donation or volunteer to help!