Xanthene Norris honored in SC African-American History Calendar

Xanthene Norris, Greenville County councilwoman, education advocate, and diplomatic community leader, has been honored this year with inclusion in the annual South Carolina African American History Calendar.

Published since 1989, the calendar is a publication of the state Department of Education with support from community and corporate partners. It recognizes and highlights African Americans in South Carolina who have had a lasting impact on the state and the nation.

Councilwoman Norris’s write up in the calendar attributes Greenville County’s finally adopting and observing Martin Luther King Day to “her diplomacy, initiative and determination…” It also notes her “exemplary career of public service and civic engagement.”

The calendar is printed and distributed to schools and organizations throughout the state.  It is used as a tool to educate students on the accomplishments of African Americans in the state and to serve as an inspiration to future leaders.

Councilwoman Norris (September) and the 11 other honorees – Vivan Ayers Allen, Reuben Bookert, Mignon Clyburn, Richard Fields, Benjamin James Glover, James Hall, Roy Jones, Joe Neal, George Rogers, Nathaniel and Viola Stewart, and The Taylor Family – were recognized at an October event in Columbia.

A PDF of the calendar can be downloaded here.

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