Statewide caucuses tackle community concerns

By Roxanne Cordonier

If you’ve had any involvement in politics or just watch a lot of political commentary on TV, you’ve heard the word caucus, but may not have understood what the word means. Basically a caucus is a meeting of individuals with a common interest. They come together to develop and or promote policy that will further their cause or endorse candidates who will support their policies.

South Carolina Democratic Party 2nd Vice Chair Anthony B. Thompson, Jr. is in charge of overseeing all the caucuses in the state. He believes the caucuses could have a significant impact on the goals, platforms and policies implemented by the SCDP. “Simply because they address the issues and concerns that involve our community, the people we live next to, the people we work with, and the people we enjoy life with,” he explains. “For SCDP, our caucuses are bodies of supporters in the party that have come together based on a specific area of interest and concern in the community that they feel the need to address through community engagement, education and awareness, outreach, collaborative political initiatives and strategies, and other grassroots efforts that may lead to social change and leading support for candidates running for office. Basically, it’s a support mechanism for the party that extends its hands and legs into the community.”

One of these caucuses may cover an issue important to you.

Black Women’s Caucus (New)

Objective: Address issues related to African-American women and of descent in varying degrees of the community and seek ways for resolve and improvement.
Chair: Christale Spain

Senior Citizen Caucus (New)

Objective: Address issues and concerns related to senior citizens (age range to be determined) and seek ways for resolve and improvement.
Chair: Jerome Brown

Business Caucus

Objective: Address issues and concerns with the business community/capital & labor and seek ways for resolve and improvement.
Chairs: Carlton Dallas and Eric Graben
Contact: and

Environmental Caucus

Objective: Address issues and concerns related to the environment/ecosystem and seek ways for resolve and improvement.
Chair: Stewart Weinberg

Faith Caucus

Objective: Address issues and ideas related to the faith communities and seek ways for resolve and improvement.
Chair: John Wright

Hispanic Caucus

Objective: Address issues and concerns with the Hispanic community and seek ways for resolve and improvement.
Chair: Evelyn Lugo

Disability Caucus

Objective: Address issues and concerns related to individuals with disabilities and seek ways for resolve and improvement.
Chair: Anthony Thompson, Jr.

Education Caucus

Objective: Address issues and concerns related to matters in education and seek ways for resolve and improvement.
Chairs: Sandra Raye and Melissa Watson
Contact: and

LGBTQ Caucus

Objective: Address issues and concerns with the LGBTQ community and seek ways for resolve and areas of improvement.
Chair: Jim Thompson and Ann Willbrand
Contact: and

Rural Caucus

Objective: Address issues and concerns related to the rural economy and seek ways for resolve and improvement.
Chair: Tangee Jacobs

Labor/Progressive Caucus

Objective: Address issues and concerns associated with the labor economy and progressive issues in the economy while seeking ways for resolve and improvement.
Chair: Michele Horne

Veterans Caucus

Objective: Address issues and concerns with veterans and seek ways for resolve and improvement.
Chair: William Lawrence

For more information about South Carolina’s Democratic Party caucuses, please contact Anthony Thompson.

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