Putting the spin on it: Polish your messaging game

There are many words and many ways to say the same things. But choosing the right words – to inspire, engage, or activate voters – that’s an art.

If you’re a candidate planning to – or hoping to – run for office, or someone interested in working on a campaign in a messaging role, the GCDP has a program to help you polish your messaging.

The workshop on Jan. 25 will be a full day of intense focus on personal messaging, stump speeches and critical thinking about how to promote yourself or your candidate. Everyone should leave with a thoughtful, carefully crafted message that you can kick off your campaign with.

We are sponsoring a full day messaging workshop, facilitated by Stuart Rosenberg. Stuart is the founder of Foundation Blue Media and has extensive campaign experience from the local level to working on two presidential campaigns.

Applications are currently being accepted and must be received by 5 p.m. Jan. 16. The registration fee is $50, payable upon acceptance.

The GCDP is offering sponsorships for this event to help defray costs of the training and the lunch provided. If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact Amanda McDougald Scott at 803-960-7477.

The party would like to thank the following foundational sponsors: Blue Dot Strategies, Awaken to Eco, Amanda McDougald Scott, Anita LeBold.

Be the change you want to see: Help the party with a much-needed donation or volunteer to help!