Immigration is certainly the #1 news topic across the nation and the world at this time. We have two guest speakers for the July meeting of Democratic Women of Greenville County that will inform us of what is going on with immigration in South Carolina. They are Immigration Attorney Jessica L. Wallace with Ibrahim & Rao, LLP, and staff attorney, Lauren W. Barnwell with South Carolina Victim’s Assistance Network. Jessica will talk about immigration processes and immigration enforcement in SC. Lauren will talk about the victim program and resources available in the upstate.
Join the Democratic Women of Greenville County for lunches that feed your heart, enrich your knowledge, and nourish your spirit. Registration is required by calling the GCDP HQ at 232-5531 or emailing You can attend the meeting without paying the lunch $15 fee (with registration in advance) or $20 at the door, but you must still register.
Note the time change to evening hours for July, August, and September.