It’s time for all good Dems to come to the aid of their party
Dear Democrats,
Midterm campaign season is in full swing and optimism is high!
Did you see that an August Garin-Hart-Yang poll showed our gubernatorial candidate, James Smith, “narrowly trailing” his incumbent opponent by only four percentage points – within the poll’s margin of error? It was that close more than two months before Election Day despite Governor McMaster having higher name recognition. And, the more people learned about the two candidates, the more they preferred James, 51 percent to 46 percent.
They could have probably simply measured activity at the GCDP office and come to the same conclusion. Smith/Norrell signs are practically flying out of the door – we can barely keep them stocked. Folks who have never visited the office, many of whom don’t regularly vote for Democrats, are dropping by along with the party faithful. I’ve been told that some streets are awash with Democratic candidate signs.
This news bodes well for all of our candidates and, when they win, ultimately for our community and state. It should have each of us promising to do something this election cycle to make sure that this momentum becomes reality. Planting a sign in your yard and placing a bumper sticker on your car for each of the candidates running on your ballot can make a huge difference in terms of name recognition and influencing your neighbors. Stop by Headquarters to pick up some.
While you’re there add your name to a volunteer list or sign up right now by clicking here: We’re looking for phone bankers, canvassers, and administrative help for the general campaign. For drivers during both absentee voting and on Election Day. And we need poll watchers to help protect the vote on Election Day at each of our precinct polling places.
The state Democratic Party has placed a regional field director, Tucker Lawson (who held the same role in 2016), and two field organizers in the county to coordinate voter contact, motivation, and get-out-the-vote activities with our GCDP volunteers. Their role is to provide training, scripts, voter lists, maps, everything you’ll need to fulfill a specific and targeted campaign plan that can get Democrats elected up and down the ballot. They are gearing up, so please don’t think twice about signing up.
If you want to work for a specific candidate, we can get you connected there as well.
Just as an ocean wave consists of many individual particles of water, the Blue Wave will be formed by each one of us being involved and engaged. Decide what you can do and jump in! The landing will be soft but oh so impactful.
See you along the election trail,