A single mom’s perspective

Timicia Grant is a professional women. She’s a non profit professional who’s worked for years to help single parents navigate a system often stacked against them. As a professional political organizer, she’s also working hard to change the dynamic in local, state, and national centers of power.

But she’s also a single parent who knows first hand what it takes to get over, around, or through the roadblocks that our state lays out – or the ways in which it just refuses to help.

Timicia’s personal story her personal story and observations take us closer to understanding why South Carolina ranks 46th in the nation in the well-being of women.
Single parenting for a working mom is significantly harder in a “child-care desert.”
“Women in poverty don’t get equitable healthcare at all.”
‘Vote them out, if we can; but if we can’t, hold them accountable.’

Be the change you want to see: Help the party with a much-needed donation or volunteer to help!